Press release -

Tanita personal heat alarm offers lifeline to Brits travelling to southern Europe's overheated beach resorts

Amsterdam, August 9, 2017 – As southern Europe remains blistering hot, the smart Tanita personal heat alarm offers people and pets a lifeline ‘early warning system’ about the risks of heat stroke, dehydration and illness.

Simply place the Tanita TT-563 WBGT heat monitor in direct sunlight to monitor temperature, humidity and solar radiation and see the results displayed within seconds. And for joggers, cyclists and other sportspeople, the Tanita heat alarm is a convenient, easy and affordable way to determine the safe levels of physical exertion when working or exercising outdoors.

“People often don’t recognise the early symptoms of heat exhaustion and the need to rehydrate quickly enough,” said Jan Alderlieste, Tanita Chief Operations Officer in Europe, the Middle East and Russia. He said that over-heating can even occur when a thermometer is showing a near normal body temperature.

The Tanita TT-563 WBGT incorporates a solar radiation sensor, thermometer, and humidity gauge in a convenient and easy to use package. The small hand-held design can be carried on your body or attached to a rigid fixture. Results are displayed in real time, with programmable audible alarms. The TT-563 is powered by 1 CR2032 battery (included) which will last up to 1 year, comes with several convenient attachment accessories, and has a 1-year warranty.

Easily carried around unobtrusively, the Tanita WBGT heat monitor is a vital aid especially for elderly people, young children and the sick, who are the most vulnerable to the heat, as well as for anyone who is overweight as their bodies are more likely to retain heat. ‘WBGT’ refers to an equation where a combination of environmental factors are used to calculate a reading, including measuring the heat stress in direct sunlight and taking into account the temperature, wind speed, humidity, the angle of the sun and cloud cover.

“The Tanita heat sensor is ideal for all-round individual use, at work, sporting and other leisure events, to help reduce the risk of overheating,” said Jan Alderlieste.

The Tanita TT-563 WBGT Heat Index Meter is available online for just €99.95

Early signs of over-heating

A person with heat stroke may feel confusion, dizziness, nausea, muscle swelling, heart disturbances or a headache. In its extreme state, heat stroke can cause seizures, unconsciousness and coma.

For more information, please contact,

Market enquiries to Madeleine Bosch, available at or +31 642267416

Press enquiries to David Noble, available at +44 7785302694 or


  • Sport

Founded in 1923, Tanita Corporation is an ethical healthcare product manufacturer. Tanita’s core objective is to research and bring to market, technologies that facilitate health monitoring, both for professionals and for the (health-conscious) public. The company produces a complete range of innovative scales encompassing everything from scales for jewellery, baby scales, kitchen scales, professional and consumer scales.

Today, Tanita is the world leader in health monitoring technology. With sales of more than 28 million home-use and professional products, Tanita has proven its superior technology, unique design and high manufacturing standards; earning ISO 9001 certification, CE marking, NAWI, MDD, membership of the JQA (Japanese Quality Association) and FDA clearance.

The Company’s international headquarters are located in Tokyo, Japan, with award-winning manufacturing facilities in Japan and China. It also maintains sister companies in the USA, China and Hong Kong and an EMEA Head Office in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

After building a highly successful business manufacturing bathroom scales, Tanita focused its research on the links between weight and health. Following extensive research to establish the relationship between excess body fat, heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers; Tanita introduced the world’s first Integrated Body Fat Scale to medical research professionals in 1992. Using this same technology, Tanita then developed the world’s first Body Fat Monitor Scale for personal use in 1994.