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Achieving a Seamless User Experience Through Testing

It’s no secret that the digital world is highly competitive today. The only way to have a chance at success in this over saturated marketplace is if your digital product stands out above the rest. One way to accomplish this is by providing a strong user experience. The international standard on ergonomics of human system interaction defines user experience as “a person’s perceptions and responses that result from the use or anticipated use of a product, system or service”.

But how is a strong and positive user experience achievable in the short, time sensitive development cycles of today? In addition, how do you know when and which resources to allocate towards creating and testing your digital product’s UX?

Testbirds and QualiTest will be investigating the world of UX with a focus on testing in a free upcoming webinar on the 28th of November, 2018 at 4pm GMT. In this UX webinar, two experts, Louis Wilkinson, project manager at Testbirds, and Hava Kleiman, solutions architect at QualiTest Group, will be discussing with references to practical examples:

  • What UX is and the current state of digital products today
  • How UX testing can be completed in all stages of a product’s lifecycle
  • Persona research and how to target as well as include your end users
  • An in depth look into the participant journey
  • The future of UX

This blog post was originally published on

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  • Data, Telecom, IT


  • qualitest
  • testing
  • crowdtesting
  • user experience
  • ux
  • webinar


Tobias Brunner

Press contact Head of Marketing Communications