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How our Load and Performance Testing ensures a relaxed Christmas season

Shopping for Christmas presents can be so stressful!

Did you already buy all the presents on your lists? Christmas is coming surprisingly fast this year, so you decide to save some time by shopping online. You found some cool stuff for your parents and added it to the shopping cart to continue browsing. The worst possible scenario now is that suddenly, the website crashes due to heavy traffic and the cool items in your cart are gone. You found them somewhere on the site but you can’t remember where, so what now?! You get annoyed and close your laptop, you won’t visit this page again, and you write a frustrated message to your best friend about how bad this online shop is and suggest they do their shopping elsewhere.

As always, Christmas comes early for shop owners as well. Hopefully, many people are shopping online on your website, but you fear that it will crash. Now it’s not a question of whether it crashes or not, it’s simply a matter of time. You’re afraid that customers, like the one mentioned above who will leave your page without buying anything, are spreading the word of how bad your website is!

What can you do to tackle this yearly struggle?

How can you prevent these crucial issues? This is where Testbirds comes into play! We can provide online shopping enthusiasts with a better shopping experience even in the busiest times, such as the Christmas season, by helping our customers improve their websites and online shops.

For you, the owner of an online shop, we can ensure that your website can handle many users at once – especially during crucial periods of the year such as Christmas. Our Load and Performance Testing spots the bottlenecks and provides an overview of how the system performs.

Testing can show how functionally stable the systems run. What you need to do is activate a monitoring system that observes the server’s performance and runs continuous analyses of their load resistance. To facilitate this, it helps if you sketch both the system architecture and a flow chart of the related processes, in order to find the best measuring points for the analyses.

With Testbirds’ solution, you get your first results within a short period of time. Our automated analysis provides initial results already after the first test run. Certified test engineers evaluate the results and are happy to assist you with their expertise. The best part about Testbirds’ Load and Performance Testing, however, is that you get the help of our crowd! Our Testbirds crowd helps you carry out the tests in a decentralized manner, for example in checking network connections. In addition to load testing that shows hard figures, you also get assessments from our crowd of the UX of your webshop under high load. This is beneficial since the user experience of some webshops may feel different during high visitor frequency.

It’s as easy as that – Testbirds spreading Christmas vibes

What does all this mean for websites in the Christmas season? Obviously, the case of a crash just won’t occur if you’ve tested your webshop beforehand and improved it accordingly! The items won’t get deleted from the cart, you’ll receive your parents’ presents early enough to wrap them nicely, and you can look forward to giving them away on Christmas. On the other hand, there’s a happy webshop owner that sold nice presents on his smoothly running platform – with even more visitors.

Testbirds prevents stress in the Christmas season and helps you make your beloved ones happy.

Happy Holidays!

This blog post was originally published on

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  • Data, Telecom, IT


  • christmas shopping
  • e-commerce
  • online shopping
  • ux
  • usability
  • load and performance
  • innovation


Tobias Brunner

Press contact Head of Marketing Communications