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Hotware News – On Vantages of Wireless fiber (microwave) over long range WiFi and fiber optic

Hotware WiFi Problem Cure Master(wireless fiber) as microwave enjoys 4 vantages in actual practice over traditional wireless Internet ( commonly known as WiFi) and fiber optic as follows,

  1. Lower latency : more hops is required for WiFi network specially over a city territory. More hops lead to more processing latency and noise. Thus a great advantage of using low latency microwave fixed wireless Internet connection is superior call quality in comparison to what is offered when using WiFi networks for business using a VOIP phone system.

  2. Reliability : due to the overwhelming usage of WiFi in a city, the saturation of spectrum and thereby the serious interference is expected. Adding that the physical barrier caused by LOS (line of sight) requirement, WiFi is almost dead for a long range usage in a city area. WiFi problem cure master due to its advanced design on channel width, non-LOS capability, channel filter and “mesh” scheme, it assures and proves excellent reliability over traditional WiFi, and even the fiber optics ( quoted from information article: One of the downfalls of fiber optic networks is that the cable runs underground, this leaves the network vulnerable to disruption due to damage caused by work being done in the street or the building.)

  3. Installation time: microwave links can be installed within hours or 2~3 days in comparison to the many weeks needed for fiber lines.

  4. Costing: microwave enjoys much better costing over fiber optic in any way (fiber itself, installation and construction, maintenance….any aspects ) while WiFi maybe cheaper but link is crappy or even useless at all.

Here specially a supporter on the caption quoted from Information article; Quoted: If you think fiber optics is the gold standard in broadband technologies, think again. Microwave fixed wireless internet is quickly becoming more popular than fiber as businesses are learning about its advantages. In a competitive business landscape, speed and Internet quality are directly linked to productivity, which, in turn, contributes to organizational success. Since an increasing number of business operations happen on the cloud increased bandwidth is necessary. Business owners are discovering that fixed wireless is a direct replacement to fiber optic based services because it meets their bandwidth needs with higher reliability and performance. Unquoted

With the increasing availability of microwave fixed wireless internet and the lower costs associated with this solution, the WIFI problem cure master, adoption is expected to only increase in the future.

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