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1st Line Global reacts to Former Apple CEO's Essential Marketing Strategies

Former Apple CEO, John Sculley has recently taken part in an exclusive interview with in which the mogul addressed vital marketing strategies that helped him to achieve his impressive accolades of President of PepsiCo, CMO of RxAdvance and founding team member of MetroPCS.

1st Line Global is the direct sales and marketing agency based in Florida. The firm is run by serial entrepreneur Jaemes Hunt, who is eager to take the firm from strength to strength. As a result, Mr Hunt has recently launched an investigation into marketing strategies by successful and large-name brands.

1st Line Global: About the firm

Mr Hunt has pinpointed crucial aspects from the interview with Sculley that can be applied directly to not only 1st Line Global but a variety of marketing departments across an array of industries. The initial element explored by Sculley is the ability to use weaknesses as an advantage, referencing the long-standing feud between PepsiCo and CocaCola. Sculley describes implementing a blind taste test, ultimately using this as their digital marketing, more individuals chose Pepsi, and the more CocaCola referenced it, the more custom Pepsi received.

The power in describing an idea in a simple way is something Sculley references in his time with Apple co-founder Steve Jobs and the launch of the now infamous, iPod. Jobs told consumers “This amazing little device holds 1,000 songs, and it goes right in my pocket” as opposed to describing technical aspects of the disk drive and processors.

“The greatest companies are focused on the customer from the very start, ” states Sculley and this plays directly into the 1st Line Global values argues Mr Hunt. Customer Service is an aspect that should remain at the heart of every business states the firm.

“This interview with marketing genius John Sculley is a great way to go back to basics and displays a number of huge lessons for businesses of all sizes. I’m eager to incorporate aspects of these lessons into 1st Line’s own business model,” states Jaemes Hunt, Managing Director of 1st Line Global.

1st Line Global are the direct sales and marketing experts based in West Palm Beach, the firm has seen massive success recently and is eager to continue on this trend to develop within their industry. Managing Director and entrepreneur, Jaemes Hunt is excited to guide the company and continue their domination of the sector.



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  • 1st line global


Managing Director: Jaemes Hunt

We provide resources and expertise for clients to tap into in order to help drive their sales, raise brand awareness and increase their revenue. Whatever your goal, contact us today to find out how we can help your business grow.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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