Press release -

How Monarch Movements are inspiring the next generation of entrepreneurs

Managing Director at London-based Monarch Movements, Damian Crofts is an ardent supporter of entrepreneurship and a passionate business coach and mentor, and he is using that passion for inspiring the next generation of entrepreneurs.

About the firm:

Monarch Movements is a dynamic and cultured sales and marketing firm in Angel, London. Managing Director, Damian Crofts is an award-winning entrepreneur with seven years of experience in developing aspiring entrepreneurs. After success in the UK, Mr Crofts took the brave decision to go international, opening a company in Poland. The skills he developed over his seven years in the sales and marketing industry in the UK were applied in the global market, seeing Mr Crofts develop six outsourced sales and marketing companies.

Mr Crofts is passionate about helping aspiring professionals develop their knowledge and skills in order to achieve their goals and reach their full potential. During a sit-down interview earlier this year, Mr Crofts was asked; "what separates Monarch Movements from your competitors?" To which his response was “I think the biggest factor in our success has been our commitment to development, our people know that with hard work, commitment and a thirst for knowledge, we will provide them with all of the necessary tools for success. They recognise as our business grows and prospers, they have the opportunity to grow with us.”

Monarch Movements has a unique, no seniority business model where it offers everyone who comes through the doors the opportunity to learn, grow and develop. In a hugely competitive market in the UK’s capital, where talent acquisition is a war, Mr Crofts believes that the firm’s commitment to development, and it's their business development model is what gives them the advantage.

Through its tailored business development opportunity, Monarch Movements offers mentoring opportunities to the UK’s entrepreneurs. Mr Crofts is proud to provide support and guidance to aspiring entrepreneurs, offering an environment which encourages creativity and organic situations which allow risk-taking abilities to be tested and rewarded. The firm has assisted many successful entrepreneurs across the country. Monarch Movements will enable individuals with a business acumen and entrepreneurial mindset to establish themselves in the business world through the company's vast network of sales and marketing specialists. The firm teaches rookie entrepreneurs sales and marketing strategies, campaign management, relationship building, motivational public speaking techniques and much more, before offering an opportunity to hone their skills in a stress-free environment.

With a young management collective that’s had incredible success in Europe, Monarch Movements has its eyes and hearts set on great success in London, and Mr Crofts recognises that developing the next generation of entrepreneurs and business owners will pay dividends.



  • Business enterprise


  • monarch movements


  • England


Damian Crofts

Managing Director


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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