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Uproar Vision responds to Gender Disparity within Business

Uproar Vision are direct sales and marketing experts that have frequently spoken out about the lack of female entrepreneurs, specifically within the sales and marketing sector. Their Managing Director Claristelle Labrador is eager to create an environment that boasts an even playing field, and has recently responded to an article that detailed the gender gap amongst entrepreneurs.

Uproar Vision: About the company

A published list of the current 25 most famous and successful entrepreneurs, researched by Ranker, has listed only two female business owners - Oprah Winfrey and Vera Wang. As 2018 has been hailed as the ‘Year of the Woman’, Uproar Vision are eager to explore the large gender gap, the reasons behind this, and what business can do locally to close the margins.

The firm has pinpointed three crucial aspects that could relate to the domination of many industries by the male gender in hopes that equal opportunities can soon be made available for everyone through small businesses addressing these key aspects:

1/ Tradition: Entrepreneurship has long been dominated by male business owners, enhanced by statistics by Fortune researchers that found 94% of ‘decision-makers’ at large companies are men.

2/ Available Support: A subsequent effect of the above statistic has resulted in female entrepreneurs lacking effective and readily available mentors, as male guidance is often too broad and not specific. Research by INC found that 48% of female entrepreneurs reported a lack of suitable mentor figures within their industries.

3/ Business/Family Dilemmas: Although reportedly distancing, many entrepreneurs often coincide their first businesses with starting a family, which presents many dilemmas for the female entrepreneur and business owner.

Although slowly changing, Uproar Vision is urging for the gender gap within entrepreneurship to accelerate. The National Association of Women Business Owners has now detailed that there are over 9.4 million firms owned by women in the US, with an equally dramatic figure within the UK.

“Female entrepreneurship is on the rise, and we want to see this increase dramatically. We’ve seen first hand the benefits that can come from equal gender collaboration, with Uproar Vision boasting a diverse business model itself, although we consistently welcome aspiring entrepreneurs of all backgrounds. We’re urging all business to assess their workforces and embrace the Year of the Woman,” states Claristelle Labrador, Managing Director of Uproar Vision.

Any professionals wishing to contact Uproar Vision to hear about current opportunities can reach them via email on



  • Business enterprise, General


  • uproar vision


  • Hertfordshire


Managing Director: Claristelle Labrador

As a direct marketing company we specialise in below-line customer acquisition. Our main focus is to bridge the gap between our clients and consumers using face-to-face promotional marketing and sales campaigns. We begin each campaign by carefully identifying the USP of the products and services, then from there we research the target market to ensure we generate maximum exposure. It is an extremely quick process from planning to implementation.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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