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BT rated “leader” in five categories in Experton Group’s cloud computing report for Germany

BT’s cloud solutions ranked at top in the German “Cloud Vendor Benchmark” report for fourth year in a row 
BT today announced that it has again been recognized as a leading cloud supplier in Germany by the analysts of Experton Group in their latest “Cloud Vendor Benchmark 2014” report. BT was rated as a leader in five categories: “Public Cloud Services”, “Enterprise Public Cloud Services”, “Managed Private Cloud Services”, “Cloud Services for mid-size companies”, and “Cloud Transformation”. 

BT gained top positions especially in the enterprise-grade cloud solutions categories. Aspects like resilience, global availability and data protection play a pivotal role in this segment, where BT helps multinational organisations in realising possibilities in the cloud and supports CIOs orchestrate their cloud resources. BT has also substantially improved its position in the “Cloud Transformation” category, reflecting the consulting and professional services capabilities of more than 1,200 highly skilled BT Advise Compute experts around the globe. 

According to Experton, “leaders” have a broad portfolio of highly attractive products and services as well as a strong competitive and market position. In addition, they offer their customers long-term stability through their commitment to cloud services in their strategy and product development. 

According to the Experton analysts, “BT’s leading market position remains undisputed.” Regarding Managed Private Cloud Services, Experton states that “BT excels with secure and performant cloud services, complemented with professional services from their Advise unit.” 

“I am delighted that we are rated as a ‘leader’ for the fourth time in a row,” said Nina Wegner, CEO of BT Germany. “Our customers require improved performance and availability of multiple cloud-based applications, while at the same time data in the cloud has to remain secure at all times. Consulting and support with the transformation into hybrid cloud environments are becoming ever more important. That’s why I am particularly proud that we have substantially improved our position in the ‘Cloud Transformation’ category. This year’s benchmark is a great confirmation for our efforts to help our customers to master the art of connecting.” 

The “Cloud Vendor Benchmark 2014” report is a comprehensive study published by the Experton Group AG pertaining to products and services of leading cloud computing providers in Germany. It rates and ranks the leading providers in a transparent process to help IT decision-makers in evaluating and selecting the solutions best tailored to their needs. 

Additional information regarding the study can be found at 

Images showing the Experton quadrants can be found at


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