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Former Osprey swoops down BT Tower for Children in Need

Former British Lion and Osprey favourite, Ryan Jones, took part in a charity abseil down BT Tower in Swansea on Saturday, 22 October to help raise money for Children in Need.

The former grand-slam winner and Welsh captain was among 50 brave adrenaline seekers who abseiled 60m down the 11 storey Swansea landmark with the aim of raising £10,000 as a group for the charity.

Among those joining Ryan in his endeavours was BT Cymru Wales director, Alwen Williams; Future Generations Commissioner, Sophie Howe and Caroline Jones AM. A total of 27 BT staff, who typically spend their time working inside BT Tower rather than navigating their way down its exterior, were also among those that took part in the charity abseil.

Speaking after his successful descent, Ryan Jones said: “I’ve done some daft and frightening things over the years but abseiling the BT Tower is certainly up there.”

“I’m not the biggest fan of heights but it’s great to see so many people coming out today to help raise money for such a great cause.”

BT Cymru Wales director, Alwen Williams, who was also among those that took part in the charity abseil, said: “Children in Need is a fantastic charity that’s very close to our hearts. Every year hundreds of BT staff, including a large number from Swansea, volunteer their time to help raise money for the charity and it’s great to see so many people taking part and helping with the charity abseil.”

“I’ve regularly come to this building as part of my work but I’ve certainly never seen it from this angle before. “

Alongside the abseil – which was organised by Porthcawl based Mistras group - spectators were entertained by singers Rebecca Hurn, Leah Fox and Emily Jehu in addition to face painting, an auction and bunjee running.

Donations can still be made by visiting the My donate page on



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