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Paralympic star Lee Pearson unveils new facility for disabled young people in Liverpool

Ten-times Paralympic gold medallist, Lee Pearson, officially opened the BT-funded multi-sensory room for young people with physical and learning disabilities at Millstead School in Liverpool on Friday 26 September 2014. Millstead is the 16th school to benefit from the renewed partnership between BT and the Lord’s Taverners charity, which will help to improve the lives of over 18,000 young people with severe disabilities and communication difficulties across the UK. 

Millstead School is a city-wide provision based in the south of Liverpool which caters for 105 children aged 2-11 years old with special educational needs. All of Millstead’s pupils have special educational needs, including profound and multiple learning disabilities, severe learning disabilities and autistic spectrum disorders. Some pupils also have visual and hearing impairments, delayed language communication skills and are non-verbal, requiring personal care throughout the school day. 

Multi-sensory rooms feature a relaxing and stimulating variety of lights, sounds and textures, which help children with physical and learning disabilities to engage in a learning environment that suits their educational needs. The rooms can result in dramatic benefits to children with sensory impairment, helping enhance development of senses such as hearing, sight, smell and touch. 

BT’s partnership with the Lord’s Taverners, which began in 2010, will see multi-sensory equipment installed in at least 26 schools in the UK. With BT pledging to maintain the specially-adapted classrooms until 2020, the lives of more than 18,000 young people with severe disabilities and communication difficulties across the country will be improved thanks to the partnership. 

On the opening of Millstead School’s new multi-sensory room Dr (Hon) Lee Pearson MBE OBE CBE said: “To witness first-hand the effects that these multi-sensory rooms have on young people’s lives is incredible, and I am delighted to see BT working with the Lord’s Taverners to fund even more of these sensory rooms, which will help make a real difference by helping thousands of young people with disabilities all over the UK.” 

Suzi Williams, BT Group Marketing and Brand Director, said: “We want to use the power of communications to make a better world, and the sensory rooms are a brilliant example of how technology can release potential and improve lives. I couldn’t be more delighted that the Millstead School is the next school to receive a BT-funded sensory room. BT’s been a big supporter of the region - earlier this summer we were the lead partner of the International Festival for Business in Liverpool – so it’s fantastic to be involved in something that will make such a difference to the local community.” 

Paul Robin, Chief Executive of the Lord’s Taverners, said: “The Lord’s Taverners is dedicated to giving disadvantaged and disabled young people a ‘sporting chance’ in life so we are delighted to work alongside BT to help improve the lives of thousands of young people with disabilities across the country. This new sensory room will benefit the teachers, carers and families of Millstead School’s young people and enhance the learning experience and future development of its pupils.” 

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For more information about the Lord’s Taverners please contact: 

• James Salisbury on 020 7025 0000 or 
• Tom Lloyd on 020 7940 1700 or 

For information on BT’s partnership with the Lord’s Taverners please contact: 

The BT Regional Press Office on 0800 085 0660 All news releases can be accessed at BT’s web site: 

Notes to Editors – Lord’s Taverners 

The Lord’s Taverners is the UK’s leading youth cricket and disability sports charity whose objective is to give disadvantaged and disabled young people a sporting chance. 

Every year, the Lord’s Taverners donates over £3 million to help young people of all abilities and backgrounds participate in sporting activities. In 2013 alone the Lord’s Taverners gave 7 million sporting chances across all of its charitable programmes. 

The Lord’s Taverners benefits hugely from the support of its highly regarded members, many of them drawn from the world of sport and entertainment. The list includes Alastair Cook, Andrew Strauss, Greg James, Will Greenwood, James Haskell, Miles Jupp, Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson, Jonathan Agnew and Mike Gatting. 

To find out more about the charity go to: 

• Facebook: The Lord’s Taverners 
• Twitter: @LordsTaverners 
• YouTube: LordsTavernersUK 
• URL: 

The Lord’s Taverners – Registered Charity No. 306054 


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