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L > R: Stuart North (Chief Officer, NHS Bury CCG), Dr Kiran Patel (Chair, NHS Bury CCG), Cllr Rishi Shori (Leader of Bury Council), Pat Jones-Greenhalgh (Interim Chief Executive of Bury Council)
L > R: Stuart North (Chief Officer, NHS Bury CCG), Dr Kiran Patel (Chair, NHS Bury CCG), Cllr Rishi Shori (Leader of Bury Council), Pat Jones-Greenhalgh (Interim Chief Executive of Bury Council)

Press release -

Bury secures funds to transform health and social care in Bury

Bury secures funds to transform health and social care in Bury

Health and social care services in Bury are to be transformed by 2021, improving services and individual experiences, with help from a cash injection of £23 million.

£19.2m has been secured from Greater Manchester Transformation monies, and a further £4m will be locally invested to radically transform health and care services in Bury so that the town can afford everything that is needed to look after the local population in the future, ensuring services are fit for the 21st century and that outcomes for local people are improved.

The investment follows a successful bid from Bury Council and NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), along with partner organisations from the health and voluntary and community sector, to deliver it’s Locality Plan over the next 4 years. The Locality Plan aims to achieve a series of system wide transformational ‘shifts’ in order to transform the health and wellbeing of the population in Bury, improving services, care, individual outcomes and experiences.

Bury’s Locality Plan focusses on four main ways to transform health and social care, these are:

  • Building new relationships – between local people and public services
  • Staying well for longer – by focussing on prevention of ill health and creating a whole system to promote wellness
  • Reducing waste and repetition in the system – to improve efficiency and focus care on individuals
  • Tackling wider influences on health – such as deprivation, work and skills, housing and education

Lord Peter Smith, Chair of the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership Board said: “Right across our region, the Greater Manchester Transformation Fund as part of devolution is allowing us to invest in local services to ensure we have a sustainable health and care system, fit for the twenty first century. There are exciting plans in place for Bury and we look forward to seeing these changes being implemented in the coming years.”

One of the schemes described in Bury’s Locality Plan is called Home First. Home First aims to enable people to remain at home for as long as possible (including care homes), and to return home from a stay in hospital as soon as possible. At the heart of Home First is the need to have the right care and community support in place for people to live well at home and where possible to avoid emergency hospital admissions by pre-empting or swiftly managing problems as they arise in a planned and coordinated way. The scheme covers all age ranges including children and young people, it also focusses on palliative and end of life care, ensuring that people are able to die in the place of their choice.

Pat Jones-Greenhalgh, Interim Chief Executive for Bury Council said: “We know what our communities need to lead happy and healthy lives and this investment is very welcome news as now alongside our partners we can deliver health and social care services that people of Bury need and deserve. We are ambitious for our Borough and doing our best to work together to try and make our health and care system as good and sustainable as it can be for the future. By 2021 we will have a proactive not reactive system in place, that equips staff with the skills they need, creates relationships to work co-operatively and provides people with the right care, in the right place, at the right time and by the right professional. We have a long journey ahead but we are determined and committed to enabling every single person who lives in our Borough to lead a happy and healthy life.”

Stuart North, Chief Officer for NHS Bury CCG added: “The investment from the Transformation Fund will enable us, together with all health and social care partners, to make a significant difference to health and care services in Bury for the benefit of our local population. By having more co-ordinated services in place and by having more of a focus on the right support in the right place and reducing inequalities, local people will remain well for longer than is currently the case. By investing now to ensure we have more responsive and efficient services in the future, we will also reduce the current operational and financial pressures we face currently within the most critical parts of our health and social care system. There is a lot of hard work to do, but we are excited by the challenges that lie ahead and the rewards this will bring for the people of Bury.”


Date: 16th October 2017

FOR PRESS & MEDIA ENQUIRIES: contact NHS Bury CCG Communications team on 0161 762 3106 or email

Notes to editor:

The investment from Greater Manchester will be phased over four years as part of the investment agreement.

  • GM Transformation fund investment over 4 years = £19.2m.
  • Additional locality commitment = £4m.
  • Total investment = £23.2m.

Photograph: L > R: Stuart North (Chief Officer, NHS Bury CCG), Dr. Kiran Patel (Chair, NHS Bury CCG), Cllr. Rishi Shori (Leader of Bury Council), Pat Jones-Greenhalgh (Interim Chief Executive of Bury Council)




Peter Doherty

Peter Doherty

Press contact Press Officer Press Office

Committed to providing good quality services to our residents

Bury Council consists of six towns, Bury, Ramsbottom, Tottington, Radcliffe, Whitefield and Prestwich. Formed in April 1974 as a result of Local Government re-organisation it was one of the ten original districts that formed the County of Greater Manchester. The Borough has an area of 9,919 hectares (24,511 acres) and serves a population of 187,500.

Bury Council

Knowsley Street
BL9 OSW Bury, Lancashire