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‘Express Yourself’, sang Madonna back in the mists of time when books were made of paper and HMV honoured their gift vouchers, and you know what?  She may have been onto something (she also sang ‘I like hanky panky, nothing like a good spanky’ but we’ll let that one slide).  In this issue of CALMzine we introduce the brand new Xpress project, created by CALM supporter Ben Tallon and the guys at Quenched Music in Manchester, to encourage people to express their emotions and channel their thoughts through creative means.  We’ve all penned bed-wettingly embarrassing poetry, songs and doodles illustrating our broken hearts and frustrated minds at one time or another, and that is what Xpress is all about.  Except about a thousand times less embarrassing.  Check out their interview with the one and only Mr Stephen Merchant in the mag, plus Ben Tallon has also provided us with the cover art for this issue – a man of many Tallons (talents.  Geddit?  No?  Hello? Oh forgeddaboutit).  They are producing a crowd funded albumfeaturing donated tracks from rock behemoths The Strokes, The Libertines and Reverend & The Makers alongside some of the best new music this country has produced, so read on and help make the album a reality.

As ever, there’s the usual line up of banter, bollocks and brain discharge in the form of Mister Mumbles, The Rant, Frazzled Daddy and our very own agony uncle, Dear Josh, so sit back, grab a whiskey/stogie/cuppa/mars bar and enjoy.  Remember, together we can SAVE THE MALE!

Rachel, CALMzine Editor.


  • Mental Health


  • callm
  • calmzine
  • campaign against living miserably