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Run the British 10K For CALM!


Ever dreamt about donning a neon orange vest, squeezing into lycra running tights and getting sweaty in front of huge crowds in central london?  Let’s be honest, WHO HASN’T?  Well, now’s your chance to make your dreams come true, by running the British 10k in aid of CALM.

Every year, our athletic supporters (hehe) have increased in number, so make 2014 the year that you become part of an amazing group of people raising both funds and awareness for the Campaign Against Living Miserably, and help us prevent the single biggest killer of young men in the UK.

The British 10k London run takes place on July 13th, and all we ask in return is a minimum of £150 raised per runner.  There are prizes for fastest CALM finishers and a chance to have a drink with the CALM runners afterwards.  It’s a really brilliant day out but places fill up fast, so if you are up for the challenge, don’t delay!

Email to book a place NOW!

Without the amazing support from our fundraisers, we wouldn’t be able to keep our helpline open, our website running or our campaign going, so every penny raised is hugely appreciated.

Here’s how your fundraising can help CALM:



  • Mental Health


  • run
  • british 10k
  • mental health
  • suicide
  • calm
  • campaign against living miserably