News -

Now we have moved in!

As ComAround Norway AS continues to expand, so we have moved in to new offices in Norway. Our Norwegian office is to be found in Ekebergveien 1A in Oslo. As a result of the latest recruitments during the spring there are now four of us in our Norwegian office. It was therefore time to acquire slightly larger premises. In the new premises there are also better conference rooms and facilities for receiving visitors.

Originally, these premises were built as Norway’s first psychiatric hospital. The oldest parts of the building date back to 1735 while the parts where our offices are located were built in 1935.

So our Norwegian visiting address is now:

Ekebergveien 1A

0192 Oslo,


“We really feel at home and look forward to being here for many years” says Per-Kristian Nyborg, Customer Relations at ComAround Norway.


  • Business enterprise


  • self service
  • ComAround Norway


Therese Walve

Press contact Marketing Manager +46858088631

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