Press release -

ComAround responds to Bring Your Own Device trend with new generation of web-based self-service

Peter Ståhl, CEO, ComAround – We look forward to delivering help even more quickly”.

ComAround Zero™ is the company’s 5th generation of web-based self-service. With this step, ComAround takes web-based self-service to a new level and offers users help at the right time, wherever they happen to be. Deliveries of ComAround Zero™ to customers started on 31 August 2012.

 “We are seeing a strong trend for support organisations to develop their support strategy in line with new demands and behaviour patterns. One developing trend is that our customers increasingly use web-based self-service as a step before the traditional first line support. ComAround calls this concept Zero Level support, hence the name of the new service,” says Peter Ståhl, CEO of ComAround.

This new platform facilitates the connection of ComAround Zero™ to other support services including the case management system and chat functions. This enables companies and organisations to work in line with the Zero Level support concept where the way to support goes via web-based self-service and, if required, on to the next stage which is the staffed support function.

The use of mobile devices continues to increase markedly in companies. Consequently, ComAround has decided to focus on the user’s demand for help regardless of where he or she happens to be and the device being used.

Speed and ease of access are decisive for an optimal support function. For this reason, ComAround is making a major investment in rapid assistance via a more intelligent and faster search engine. Significant steps have also been taken to simplify navigation in this function. ComAround Zero™, moreover, is adapted to the individual user’s particular needs through individually adapted content and interface, user groups and so on.

The movie shows how ComAround Zero™ works.

“The development work takes place in close collaboration with our customers. We have already received a very positive response from both existing and new customers,” points out Peter Ståhl. “With the new platform in ComAround Zero™ we can further exploit the advantage in that we have a cloud service and will react to future shifts in the market even more quickly.”

ComAround has developed and delivered self-support functions since 1995. Initially, self-service was delivered as a quick guide in the form of books and subsequently via a CD. Since 2000, however, the service has been delivered as a web-based cloud service. Delivery of the new generation to customers has now started.

“We are already the market leader within web-based self-service. With the launch of ComAround Zero™ we are able to further strengthen our position. By adapting our solutions to the present and future support needs of customers we help them as they meet the challenges which arise with new priorities such as bring-your-own device,” concludes Peter Ståhl.

For further information about ComAround Zero™ visit

If you wish to know more, please contact:

Peter Ståhl, CEO, ComAround
Tel/Mob: + 46 8-580 886 34


  • Web services


  • bring your own device
  • self service
  • comaround zero

About ComAround

ComAround is an internationally active gazelle company specialising in Zero Level support. The company is able to offer some 100 000 web-based guides in many different languages; these provide answers to most IT-related questions covering office applications, smart phones, web browser, email clients, operating systems, without the need for manned support. ComAround has operations in the UK, Norway, Denmark and Sweden. The company, with head office in Stockholm, had a turnover of SEK 29 million in 2011.
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Therese Walve

Press contact Marketing Manager +46858088631

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