Press release -

Brighton based former Olympian helps loving pet owners say their last goodbyes to their pet at home

It’s a painful moment for any owner when their pet no longer has quality of life and it’s time to say goodbye. Former Olympian, Ms Lisbet Stuer-Lauridsen, who is based in Brighton wants to ensure that people have the choice of spending the last moments with their pet in the family home. She has now launched a mobile nationwide pet service that will offer compassionate end of life care and gentle euthanasia.

Lisbet’s company Cloud 9 Vets provides quality of life assessments, euthanasia and palliative care, with a specially trained vet travelling to the pet owner. Not only do Cloud 9 vets come to the pet owner’s home but they also spend time with the whole family, offering support. Each visit takes around 1 to 1.5 hours so it is carried out with the utmost sensitivity and grieving owners have the chance to make those last few moments with their pet special.

Lisbet says that the company is partnering with veterinary practices around the country who want to do their best to support pet owners at this difficult time, “We’re really talking here about losing a member of the family and it’s hugely emotional. The memories of those last moments can last a long time and it’s vital that we ensure that people feel supported and that the process is handled with dignity and respect. Being able to give the pet a food treat, perhaps something that hasn’t been allowed for some time due to a health condition, being wrapped in a special soft blanket, or not being moved out of a comfortable bed – these are all things that make the process gentle and just a little more bearable for both the pet and the family.”

Sometimes the loss of a pet is especially significant – it can be a child’s first experience of loss, for an older person the pet may be their only companion and for others the pet could be strongly associated with a loved one who has passed away. Simply being at home where there is time and space to come to terms with the loss of the pet is especially important in these circumstances.

Lisbet continues, “A home visit also means people don’t have to experience the potential anxiety involved in transport to the practice, worry about trying to explain or hide their grief from other clients in the waiting room, or driving home in a distressed state. We’re there where we are needed, when we are needed.”

Pet owners are able to make an appointment with Cloud 9 by calling 08000 354 999 and speaking to a Care Coordinator, or booking online at The service aims to provide care 24/7 and across all locations in the UK.

Tags, veterinary, euthanasia, pet, quality of life, Cloud 9 Vets, bereavement

Press contact: Susan McKay, Companion Consultancy, Tel 01284 388702, Email

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  • bereavement
  • cloud 9 vets
  • quality of life
  • pet
  • euthanasia
  • veterinary

About Cloud 9 Vets

Cloud 9 Vets focus exclusively on end of life care. The service provides quality of life consultations, palliative care and gentle euthanasia for pets in the owner’s own home, delivered by a nationwide team of expert vets who are specifically trained for end of life care.

Cloud 9 Vets has knowledgeable and sympathetic Care Coordinators available 24/7 for pet owners and complements the services offered by local veterinary practices. The company has a code of practice based on four values: Dignity, Passion, Responsibility and Respect.

Cloud 9 Vets’ vision is to be the leading UK nationwide provider of home based quality of life, palliative care and gentle pet euthanasia, whatever the location, 24/7.

Visit, Facebook @cloud9vets, Twitter @cloud9vets


Susan McKay

Press contact Director 07887 515870