Press release -

Elanco supports Transition Mission

Elanco Animal Health has renewed its commitment to improve the health of dairy cows during transition with a ‘Transition Mission’. As part of this initiative, the company has launched a new website that includes resources to support farmers during the ‘Vital 90 Days™’ around transition, The site includes downloadable resources and updates – there’s even an opportunity to win a Garmin rugged smartwatch. Elanco also supported dairy farmers and vets with a series of educational roadshows on the week commencing the 19th February.

The Transition Mission provides a framework that supports healthier, more productive and more fertile cows, while also reducing antibiotic use. These are all significant challenges. Nearly all cows experience immune suppression during transition and there can be up to a 40% decline in neutrophil function around calving1 - neutrophils are the cellsand there can be up to a 40% decline in neutrophil function around calving(1) - neutrophils are the cellsand there can be up to a 40% decline in neutrophil function around calving(1) - neutrophils are the cells that form the first line of defence in the immune system.

The negative energy balance experienced by cows around parturition also contributes to lowered immunity2. Up to 40% of cows have clinical metritis in the first two weeks after calving, with both clincial and sub-clinical uterine disease being associated with poor fertility3.Awareness of the importance of transition has improved significantly in recent years and some 94% of UK dairy farmers now rate the 60 days before and 30 days after calving as very important4.

The new website provides planners, checklists and guides that will help ensure dairy cows and heifers are adequately monitored in the transition period. A number of progressive UK dairy farmers and their vets have also shared their experiences of improving transition outcomes in a series of videos which are available to view at

Farmers can sign up to receive a series of emails on improving transition health and responsible use of antimicrobials at before 30th May and will be entered into a prize draw to win a Garmin rugged smartwatch.

For those wishing to develop their understanding further, Elanco hosted a series of roadshows around the country with three Internationally respected speakers, from Ayr to Exeter, over one week, starting on 19th February. Professor Ynte Schukken DVM, MSc PhD and Dr Christian Scherpenzeel discussed the microbiome and resilience and Dr Mike Overton DVM, MPVM addressed the economic impact of disease at transition.

Farmers interested in improving performance during transition and for the subsequent lactation should speak to their vet about the Vital 90 Days and visit

Press Enquiries: Susan McKay BVMS, MRCVS, MBA, Companion Consultancy, Tel 07887 515870/ 01284 388702 Email


  • 1.J.C. Detilleux et al. (1995). Study of immunological dysfunction in periparturient Holstein cattle selected for high and average milk production. Veterinary Immunology and immunopathology; 44: 251-267
  • 2.Hammon DS et al, Neutrophil function and energy status in Holstein cows with Uterine health disorders. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 200g; 113: 21-29
  • 3.Sheldon M et al (2008), Uterine diseases in cattle after parturition, Vet J. Apr; 176(1-3): 115–121. doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2007.12.031
  • 4.2015/2016 survey conducted on behalf of Elanco Animal Health among 172 UK vets and 200 UK dairy farmers

The Transition Mission

It’s healthier, more productive and more fertile cows. It’s restoring immunity with IMRESTOR to reduce diseases and boosting energy levels to reduce Ketosis. It’s being part of the drive to reduce antibiotic use and a crucial part of the Vital 90 days.

It’s everything we believe in, at Elanco.

Imrestor is a veterinary medicine authorized as an aid in a herd management programme, to reduce the risk of clinical mastitis in periparturient dairy cows and heifers during the 30 days following calving. Imrestor is not authorized for the treatment of any other transition disorder. Use medicines responsibly Always seek advice on the use of medicines from the prescriber. Legal Category POM-V in UK.


  • transition mission
  • elanco animal health
  • veterianry
  • vets uk
  • vital 90

For further information call Elanco Animal Health (the animal health division of Eli Lilly and Company Limited) on +44 (0) 1256 353131 or write to Elanco Animal Health, Lilly House, Priestley Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 9NL, United Kingdom. Further information is available from the product SPC

ElancoTM, ImrestorTM, Vital 90TM and the diagonal barTM are trademarks owned or licensed by Eli Lilly and Company, its subsidiaries or affiliates. Imrestor™ is a trademark for Elanco’s brand of pegbovigrastim for injection. Use of this website is governed by our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. © 2018, Eli Lilly and Company UKDRYIRS00105a


Susan McKay

Press contact Director 07887 515870