Press release -


  • Bad Body Odour and Speedo style swimming trunks top list of summer turn-offs
  • Happier people is the hottest thing about summer
  • Over half of Brits feel sexier in summer
  • 82% of people say they’d never pull a summer sickie

Out of control Body Odour (BO) has been named number one top summer turn-off with 61% of Brits wanting the stench of sweat banned.

It’s time to ban summer shockers - throw out your vests, Speedo style swimming trunks and grab some deodorant. 

A study commissioned by Costa Coffee to mark the launch of its new summer Ice Cold drinks range saw ponging perspiration top a poll of things that should be banned.

Second place went to Speedo style swimming trunks and body hair on show was voted third.

Vest wearing men came fourth with more men than women calling for the ban, whilst wearing sun glasses inside completed the top five.  

When the weather soars we can’t stand being stuck at work with nearly a third saying this was the worst thing about the summer but a staggering 82% said they wouldn’t consider pulling a summer sickie. Only 9% chose rainy weekends as the worst thing about summer.

Nearly a quarter said the coolest thing about summer was the fact that people are happier than they are during the winter which was voted higher than going on holiday (12%) or getting a tan, third (7%). When asked how people keep themselves cool in the heat a huge 76% said they drink cold drinks.

Over half of the people polled said they felt sexier in summer with 48% saying they fall in love more easily when the sun is shining.   

Gennaro Pelliccia, Chief Taster from Costa says “After the long winter months, we all look forward to the first signs of summer and our study to launch Costa’s new Ice Cold drinks was a fun way of finding out what people love and hate the most about British summertime.”   

Table to show top summer turn on’s and summer turn offs:

Top 5 Best Things About The Summer

  • Happier People
  • Cold Drinks On A Hot Day
  • Leaving Work In Daylight
  • Going On Holiday
  • Wearing Less Clothing

Top 5 Worst Things About The Summer

  • Body Odor
  • Speedo Style Swimming Trunks
  • Body Hair On Show
  • Being Stuck At Work When It's Hot Outside
  • Men Wearing Vests


  • Drink

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