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A much-appreciated industry fair for welding and joining technology

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A much-appreciated industry fair for welding and joining technology

Elmia Welding & Joining Technology has established itself as the industry’s leading trade fair in Sweden. On Friday the fair closed after four days with a high tempo in the exhibition hall. “It’s clear that there is a great need for an industry fair that focuses on welding and joining technology, and the format is here to stay,” says Lina Kåvestam, the fair’s project manager.

Expectations were high when Elmia Welding & Joining Technologywas being organised for the second time. Exhibitors put a lot of effort into both innovations and demonstrations, and the fair was 40 percent larger than when it premiered in 2012.
In addition to the exhibition itself, the programme was packed with seminars and open lectures about the latest developments in the industry.
“Both visitors and exhibitors have shown their appreciation for this type of highly focused industry fair with a focus on welding and joining technology,” Kåvestam says.
Elmia Welding & Joining Technologywas organised in cooperation with the Swedish Welding Commission. The industry link is crucial to the fair’s success.
“It’s important for us to work as closely with the industry as possible in order to know what’s going on,” Kåvestam says.
Pia Borg, technology secretary in charge of training courses at the Swedish Welding Commission, stresses the importance of a fair where industry professionals can meet face to face, not least given today’s digital world.
“The right people come to Elmia Welding & Joining Technology – you can meet on the spot and make new contacts,” she says. “And of course business deals play a major role. You might not finalise all the deals here but you start them.”
Welding manager Patrik Pettersson is in charge of all welding technology for Imtech in Sweden. He attended the fair for all four days and was very satisfied with what he saw there.
“It was a really good and interesting fair with a lot of focus on technology that is my speciality,” he says. “I came into direct contact with people in charge in more than fifty companies, which will save a huge amount of time in our work in future.
“I was also at the fair in 2012 and this is a step in the right direction, with a greater range on offer and better lectures.”
After four successful days Lina Kåvestam is keen to further develop Elmia Welding & Joining Technology.
“Given that this is an industry where personal networks are incredibly important and where regulations are constantly being updated and new standards regularly being applied, there is an even greater need for a highly targeted industry trade fair,” she concludes.

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