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Exciting news in the October release of the Flowscape system

We are proud to present the October release of the Flowscape system: introducing zones, personalization of desks, integration with Google and a number of other features that will reduce office friction for thousands of employees.

Going into the zone

An activity based office is usually divided into zones for different needs; a quite zone for deep work, an open space for collaboration and so on. Often we know what kind of zone we´d like to sit in on a day depending on mood and type of work. To make it ridiculously easy to get a desk or find a place in that particular zone we not only made zones visible in the Flowmap, but also displayed the number of free desks and available meeting rooms there. Moreover, when searching for a colleague it is now possible to see straight away what zone (mood) he or she is in. Do they have a “Don´t talk to me-day” or a “come join me for some collaboration-day”?

Honouring personal preferences at the desk

A Mac-maniac or a PC-person? Sitting down or standing up? Single screen or two or maybe three so all the work can fit? We all have different needs at our work station, and maybe it changes with the tasks at hand. We therefore decided to extend the filtering capability for each work place. Just tic your preferences and the desks that meet the requirements will be the ones showed in the Flowmap and in the desk list view.

Flowscape + Google = love

We now gladly invite all companies that uses Google´s mail and calendar function to join Flowscapes quest for reduced friction. The integration with Google enables the users to book meeting rooms in the calendar resulting instantly in the room being showed as occupied on the Room panel next to the room and on the Flowmap.

By integrating Google Analythics we now have a powerful tool to assess how the system is used. What kind of devices do the workforce use to interact with the system, which features are most popular, what do they search for? This aggregated information is paramount when working with alterations to improve the positive effects of the system for each customer.

Flowmanager gets even smarter

The statistical dashboard now displays the operating status for each Room panel, Billboard and even individual sensor. This will give a quick overview of all devices and if, by chance, there is down time in a device, it is easily detected and can be dealt with promptly.


  • Working Environment


Peter Reigo

Press contact CEO +46 70 942 46 87