Press release -

New exhibition at HOK: Arbeidstid ("Work time") opens May 23

The works in the group exhibition Arbeidstid (“work time”) are inquiries into the time and space of labor. Rather than offering representations of the different global workforces or places of production today, the exhibition considers “work” as the core activity of our existence and as a social convention. We work not just because we have to sustain ourselves, but because we feel we must.

Of particular interest is the increasing erasure of the clear demarcation between work and life, between time on and off the clock. In different ways, the artists ask questions about the shifting conditions of labor, pointing to the way work increasingly enlists not only our bodies, but our minds and hearts in the quest for productivity.

Against the backdrop of an uncertain future marked by an instable euro zone, increasing unemployment and income gaps in individual countries, as well as of a migratory, precarious and underpaid labor force , it seems all the more pertinent to query why we continue to work as we do.

The works of art on view, self reflexive and often performative, draw lines to the past, look critically at the present, and begin to imagine what a future where work and the economic regime that underpin it might be resisted and reconfigured.

Represented artists:
MTL (Nitasha Dhillon & Amin Husain), Marianne Flotron, Paul Graham, Tehching Hsieh, Olivia Plender, Richard Ibghy & Marilou Lemmens, KPD (Kleines Postfordistisches Drama), Sharon Lockhart, Tehching Hsieh, Duncan Campbell, Jesper Alvær, Michala Paludan, Allan Sekula.

Curator: Milena Høgsberg

The exhibition will be open for public: 23 May–1 September 2013


  • Art, Culture, Entertainment


  • allan sekul
  • michala paludan
  • jesper alvær
  • duncan campbell
  • sharon lockhart
  • kpd (kleines postfordistisches drama)
  • richard ibghy & marilou lemmens
  • olivia plender
  • tehching hsieh
  • paul graham
  • marianne flotron
  • labor
  • unemployment
  • employment
  • work time
  • norway
  • museum
  • høvikodden
  • henie onstad kunstsenter
  • exhibtion
  • art

HOK is a leading venue for 20th century and contemporary art, as well as experimental sound works. The Art Centre is located in a large sculpture park by the fjord, about 15 minutes drive from Oslo, Norway.


Gunhild Varvin

Press contact Head of Communications Communications and Press +47 402 17 573