Press release -

A sound fashion background for Hövding’s managing director

Malmö 19 June 2012

The high profile cycle helmet company Hövding has recruited a managing director with a high profile to match, Fredrik Carling from Diesel. Hövding is in an expansion phase with sales planned to launch in a number of major European countries next spring.

Up until now management of Hövding has been shared between its two founders Anna Haupt and Terese Alstin. They are now handing over the role of managing director to Fredrik Carling, formerly Managing Director Nordic at the global fashion company Diesel.

“So far it’s made sense just to split the running of the business between the two of us who founded it but in the run-up to the sales launch, we felt it was time to restructure things. Hövding is in the midst of a major expansion phase with sales planned to launch in many European countries next spring. It will be incredibly exciting to work with Fredrik Carling, with his sound experience of marketing and selling fashion and consumer products,” says one of the founders Anna Haupt.

Fredrik Carling has forged an impressive career in the fashion industry with management posts at Levi’s where he was globally responsible for developing and launching their new brands, in the department store chain Magasin du Nord in Denmark and now most recently as Managing Director Nordic at Diesel.

“I couldn’t resist the challenge. Hövding is totally unique, it’s not just a cycle helmet or just a fashion product. It offers the best head protection, and combines fashion with high tech. And most of all, Hövding is a product we need right now, more than ever before. Cycling is really taking off in the cities of Europe. This is going to be a journey of a lifetime,” says Fredrik Carling.

Hövding is a collar for cyclists, worn around the neck.  The collar contains a folded up airbag that you’ll only see if you happen to have an accident. The airbag is shaped like a hood, surrounding and protecting the cyclist’s head. The trigger mechanism is controlled by sensors which pick up the abnormal movements of a cyclist in an accident. Hövding was recently tested by the insurance company Folksam, together with 12 ordinary cycle helmets. Hövding performed more than three times better than the best ordinary cycle helmet.

Hövding can be bought via the company’s website and in selected design and fashion stores in Sweden and Norway, and after the summer also in Denmark.

For further information and high resolution images of Hövding please visit:


For more information, please  contact:

Terese Alstin, Hövding                                          Phone +46 (0)40-236868

Anna Haupt, Hövding                                            Phone +46 (0)40-236868


  • Lifestyle, Fashion, Leisure


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