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The Mountain, a spiritual painting mirroring our journey in life. Happy New Year!

Mas.s has depicted our journey in life in a spectacular way. He says "Up the mountain we go! Always struggling but moving forward and upwards. Bewildered by our surroundings,questioning the scenery, stumbling, falling, getting up and hoping for the best. The mountaintop is awe inspiring. It waters, it feeds the surroundings. Lets look up the mountain of life and not down the fiscal cliff. Life is beautiful!

This painting is part of a new development in his oeuvre. He says  "I am mesmerised by the dynamics of the sky and all the forms it presents itself in."  In this painting he tries to draw the viewers attention to the mystery of the universe in painting the clouds blue and the sky in all kinds of violet, orange and pink. As he says "The sky's on fire!" he painted the landscape in his unique style with a spiritual message of hope and love. A wonderful combination.

He spreads a message of hope, care and good will. In a ever changing and intimidating world he would like to give an alternative in vantage point. 

More of his work can be viewed on

He is also presenting his work "Never Alone! It's a beautiful day!" at this month London Biennale.


  • Art


  • painting
  • happy new year
  • expressionism
  • fiscal cliff


Marcel Schreur

Press contact Visual Artist 0777 232 1772

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