Blog post -

Aspirations become reality

It’s been lurking there as an ambition for as long as I can remember. An annual fixture in my childhood, being glued to the telly, marvelling at the swarms of runners parading past London landmarks in front of cheering crowds. Not to mention the barmy people in their homemade costumes being interviewed about the charity they were sweating blood and tears for. 

It's part of our national identity. A mass celebration of human endeavour and charitable spirit - and when better to get stuck in than 2013 - hot on the heels of last summer’s feel-good olympics? 

And so, 9 days before my 30th, I now have a date with the startline, along with my fiancée Amy and her sister Olivia, where we will proudly be sporting the white and blue Merlin vest.

The choice of charity was easy. As long-time supporters of DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee), when we saw that Merlin had places in the London Marathon, we had our hearts set. We just had to convince Merlin that we were up to the task.

The personal touch was clear from the start. Merlin has supported us every step of the way. They’ve given fundraising tips and materials and organised a presentation by a physio who gave us advice to get us through training and to the finish line in one piece.

Doing a marathon is quite a self-oriented challenge. Self-discipline will only get you so far round the unpadded streets on a cold, dark winter’s eve.

Running for a charity opens up a whole new aspect to the experience.

It takes you out of yourself and engages you with friends, colleagues and strangers as you raise awareness of Merlin’s mission and give people the opportunity to support their incredible work by supporting your feat (and feet!) of endurance. 

After months of training, preparation and fundraising there is now less than a 1 week to go and we can talk of little else. 

Excitement and nerves intermingle as we imagine the 26.2 miles which lie ahead of us this Sunday.

We have no doubt that we will be carried along on a wave of support from the cheering crowds, with the promise of a champion’s welcome at the Merlin reception afterwards. And the child in me will be thrilled to take my place in those massed ranks on the telly, and become part of this inspiring event. 


  • Crises, Incident


  • medical charity
  • merlin
  • international health charity
  • international aid agency
  • international aid
  • healthcare to vulnerable communities
  • london marathon
  • fundraise
  • running


Anna MacSwan

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