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Advice to motorcyclists following recent suspicious incidents at petrol stations in Southport

Officers in Sefton are issuing advice to motorcyclists at petrol stations after suspicious incidents in recent weeks.At 4.15pm on Thursday 22 August, three men wearing dark coloured helmets attempted to steal a motorbike from Shell filling station on Roe Lane in Southport. While the owner was paying for fuel, the men attempted to snap the steering lock, but were disturbed and made off on their own vehicles on Hartwood Road. The suspects were on a motorbike (not further described) and a white moped.

At 4.20pm on Monday 26 August, four men on two motorcycles were seen in suspicious circumstances near to Tesco filling station on Albert Road, Southport. It is believed they were observing motorcyclists and scooter riders at the location. The bikes were last seen heading in the direction of Lord Street and are described as wearing hoodies and helmets.

Enquiries are ongoing in relation to both incidents.

Images are shown of the vehicles near to Tesco (Image 1) and Shell (Image 2).

Detective Chief Inspector Gayle Rooney said: "Although thankfully these incidents have not resulted in motorbikes being stolen from petrol stations, we want people to be alert and ensure they always lock their vehicles when refuelling, and report any suspicions to police as soon as possible so we can investigate further.

"The local motorcycling community can really help us in this, by reporting suspicious incidents, in which they might recognise a distinctive bike where the riders are not equipped with the usual clothing or are driving recklessly. Likewise, if you are aware of suspected stolen bikes being used or stored where you live, let us know.

"Businesses are fully supportive of the work we are doing in relation to this and all thefts of motorbikes, and we are continuing to make enquiries to find those involved. In the meantime, we have useful crime prevention advice for motorcyclists, if they haven't already taken the necessary steps."

If your bike is stolen, never put yourself at risk. Call police immediately on 999 if you see it being stolen or report it via our social media desk @MerPolCC, or call 101 if you discover it has gone. Information can also be provided via the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


  • Crime


  • appeal
  • antisocial behaviour
  • theft
  • sefton


  • Merseyside