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Appeal following assault of 15-year-old boy in Wallasey Park

We are appealing for information following the unprovoked attack of a schoolboy in Wallasey on Sunday 24 February.

At around 8pm, the 15-year-old victim was walking alone through Central Park when two males approached him. One of the offenders made threats with a baseball bat.

The boy suffered injuries to his nose, right wrist and hand and has been left extremely shaken.

Inspector Paul Harrison said: "For a young teenager to be attacked in this way is totally unacceptable and we would appeal to anyone with any information, no matter how small, to come forward and help us with our investigation.
"If you were in the park or nearby and saw this incident, please get in touch.

“There is no place in our communities for threatening behaviour and the use of weapons, so help us keep the green spaces of Wirral for what they are intended: places to walk, play, exercise and enjoy.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact our social media desk @MerPolCC, call 101 with reference 19100072872 or you can call the independent charity @CrimestoppersUK anonymously, on 0800 555 111. You can also use their online form at:



  • Crime


  • assault
  • wirral


  • Merseyside