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Appeal for information following knifepoint robbery in Crosby in April

Detectives are appealing for information following a knifepoint robbery of a teenage boy in Crosby in April.

At around 9.15pm on Thursday 25 April, the 14-year-old victim was walking home with a friend within Rimrose Valley, pushing his bike alongside him. The victim took the main path and was approached by two unknown males, who had their faces covered and were armed with knives.

They took the bike from the victim and rode off in the direction of The Cookson’s Bridge pub in Bootle.

The bike is described as a ‘Giant’ bike, black and with blue and grey flashing (pictured).

Detectives are asking for anyone with information to come forward.

Detective Inspector Cat Walsh said: “The victim was thankfully unharmed but to be threatened at knifepoint for his bike is extremely upsetting and we will act on all information to bring those responsible to justice. Extensive enquiries have been carried out and we will continue until justice is served.

“If you saw the incident, or have seen or been offered for sale this bike since, do the right thing and come forward.

“Knife crime has no place in our communities. Our green spaces are there to be enjoyed to visit with families and friends and we intend to keep it that way.”

Anyone with information can contact @MerPolCC, call 101 with reference 19100205187, or @CrimestoppersUK anonymously on 0800 555 111. You can also use their online form at:


  • Crime


  • sefton
  • robbery
  • appeal


  • Merseyside