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Cannabis farm discovered after house fire in Old Swan

We can confirm that a cannabis farm worth around £125,000 has been discovered following a fire at a house in Old Swan this morning, Tuesday 27 November.

At around 7.10am, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service (MFRS) were called to a house in Pemberton Road to the report of a fire. The fire was extinguished and no persons were present. Approximately 32 cannabis plants were found in the premises (in addition to more damaged by fire) and enquiries are ongoing to establish the occupants.

Matt Brown, Manager of the specialist Cannabis Dismantling Team, said: “We find and dismantle cannabis farms on a daily basis across Merseyside, and this is yet another example of the danger posed when such criminal businesses are set up in our communities.

“Those who have the misfortune of living close to these locations are put at huge risk from fire and floods caused by the abstraction of electricity, overloaded circuits and lamps and other equipment used.

"Criminal groups involved in the cultivation of cannabis are often involved in other serious organised crime which brings significant harm to those communities. But each seizure represents money being taken from the pockets of criminals and we encourage members of the communities to report any concerns to police.

“Nobody wants to live close to these death traps, so please be aware of the signs that someone may have a cannabis farm near to you and let us know. We will act on all in information to remove them and make the communities safer.”

Some of the signs that cannabis is being grown are:

Strange smells and sounds
• Frequent and varied visitors to a property, often at unusual times
• Gardening equipment being taken into a property, such as plant pots, fertiliser, fans and industrial lighting
• Windows are sealed and covered or the curtains are permanently closed
• Heat from an adjoining property
• Birds gathering on a roof in cold weather
• Individually these activities may seem commonplace, however, together may indicate something more sinister

Anyone with information on suspected cannabis farms in their area is asked to contact the social media desk @MerPolCC, call 101 or the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously, on 0800 555 111. You can also use their online form at:


  • Crime


  • drugs
  • fire
  • liverpool


  • Merseyside