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Man arrested and drugs, cash and suspected illegal cigarettes seized following stop check of car in Huyton

Officers in Knowsley have arrested a man and seized drugs, cash, cigarettes and a knife following the stop-check of a car in Huyton last night, Thursday 26 September.

At around 8.15pm, a VW Golf was sighted on the M57 and was followed into Huyton towards Princess Drive, where it was stopped due the nature of the driving and a smell of cannabis. The driver was searched and a large amount of cash found.

Following the further search, cannabis, a large quantity of cash, a multi-tool with a knife blade, and a large quantity of cigarettes and tobacco were seized. The man was detained.

A 35-year-old man from Knotty Ash was arrested on suspicion of possession of a controlled drug; possession of a bladed article; and contravening the Tobacco Product Duties Act. He has been taken to a police station for questioning.

Targeted Policing Chief Inspector Steve Brizell said: "This was an excellent piece of police work, which has seized a dangerous weapon and other items from the streets. As well as proactively stop-checking people and their vehicles, we will act on all information to keep our communities safe."

Suspect someone you know is carrying/storing weapons? Contact us @MerPolCC or pass information anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


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  • knowsley
  • drugs


  • Merseyside