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Man arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply drugs in Toxteth

We have arrested one man and seized a quantity of drugs and cash as part of ongoing disruption work in L8 and other communities on Sunday, 31 March.

At around 9pm, patrols in Cockburn Street sighted a man acting suspiciously outside a property. Upon seeing patrols, the man appeared nervous and was stop checked and detained after a quantity of drugs was found.

A further search was carried out at the property on Cockburn Street where a further quantity of drugs and cash were recovered.

The 24-year-old man from Liverpool was arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply a controlled drug of class B, cannabis and possession of a controlled drug of class B, amphetamines.

The man was later released under investigation.

Inspector Stephen Cooke said: “Every stop check and every arrest we make should serve as a reminder that we will not stand by and allow crime on our streets, and I hope this activity reassures the wider public that we are determined to make our communities safer places to live.
“The public play a crucial role in helping us root out those who are intent on creating fear and harm in the very communities they live in

“All we ask is that you keep engaging with us, and we will disrupt this criminal activity".
Anyone with information on suspected drug dealing can contact @MerPolCC but always call 999 if a crime is in progress. You can also pass information anonymously to the independent charity @CrimestoppersUK on 0800 555 111. #OneTeam


  • Crime


  • drugs
  • liverpool


  • Merseyside