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Merseyside Police welcome the sentencing of Leighton Holt to eight-and-a-half years in prison

A man has today (8 March) been jailed today at Liverpool Crown Court for eight-and-a-half years after a sawn-off shotgun was found in his house in Stockbridge Village.

Leighton Holt, 22 years, of Custley Hey, Stockbridge Village was also sentenced for two robberies in Wigan, as well as possession of a bladed article and assault of a police officer relating to those incidents.

At the time his house was searched Holt was already remanded in custody in relation to other offences. He was subsequently charged with possession of a Section 1 firearm and pleaded guilty on 12 February this year. 

Holt appeared at Bolton Crown Court in December where he admitted to a robbery at an Asda store in Wigan on 7 November and an off licence in Wigan on 6 November. He also admitted to being in possession of an eight-inch kitchen knife while in the off-licence, and to assaulting a police officer.

Detective Chief Inspector Craig Sumner said: "We are very pleased that this dangerous man has been jailed and that a sawn-off shotgun which could have been used to cause harm in our communities has been removed from our streets.

“The jailing of Holt shows once again that criminals who choose to possess and store firearms are throwing away their liberty. More importantly, they are keeping guns in circulation that have the potential to destroy the lives of others and we will not stop in our efforts to take the guns and the people who store and use them off the streets.

“I hope today’s sentencing sends a clear message that there is nothing to be gained from getting involved in gun crime, and everything to lose.

"We know from speaking to our communities that they share our determination to stop these criminals in their tracks so they can’t continue to spread fear.

“We will act on all information reported to us through Crimestoppers. Anyone with information about gun crime, or those involved in any way with firearms, can contact Merseyside Police social media desk via Twitter @MerPolCC or Facebook Merseyside Police CC. You can also call 101 or contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously, on 0800 555 111 or via their online form at:”


  • Crime


  • gun crime
  • court


  • Merseyside