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Moray Council saved nearly £100k last year by introducing online staff training from the cloud

Moray Council saved nearly £100k last year by introducing online training for staff.
Council staff have frequent training needs, as legislation is updated or new skills required.
Previously this was delivered in-house in classroom conditions, taking staff away from their normal duties for half a day and requiring a senior officer to deliver the training.
Employees now have the opportunity to access learning on line from anywhere and at anytime, 24/7.
Called Clive, the cloud-based system delivers modules covering a wide range of subjects, from equalities and data protection legislation to specific tasks such as report writing and complaints handling.
For employees who do not use a PC as part of their duties, or who cannot find time during the day, they can log on from any web enabled PC and develop themselves when it is convenient for them to do so.
Classroom training is still offered for certain subjects.
All training is recorded across the Council and a detailed account can be produced as a certificate for individuals. For many employees this is evidence of study that can be used as part of an SVQ or other vocational programme.
The council’s employee development team are continuously developing staff skills to improve performance for the public. Training programmes are developed to meet the needs of services and our wider corporate objectives.
Clive has so far reduced the council’s training bill by £95,000 a year in staff time


  • Education


  • council staff training
  • courses
  • online training
  • work training
  • learning


  • Moray


Sharon Dunbar

Press contact Media and Communications Officer 01343 563046

Peter Jones

Press contact Communications manager Press, public communications, social media, events, FOI, campaigns, crisis comms. 01343 563601