News -

Treatment schedule for today. Just a few routes needing gritting.

RouteActionCauseStart Time
Dava 1 (VH/H)Pre-treat - 15g/m² SaltPossibility of Ice Forecast22.01.2016 18:00
Dufftown 1 - Glenrinnes (VH/H)Pre-treat - 15g/m² SaltPossibility of Ice Forecast22.01.2016 18:00
Dufftown 2 - Cabrach (VH/H)Pre-treat - 15g/m² SaltPossibility of Ice Forecast22.01.2016 18:00
Tomintoul 1 - Glenlivet (VH)Pre-treat - 15g/m² SaltPossibility of Ice Forecast22.01.2016 18:00
Tomintoul 2 - Lecht (VH)Pre-treat - 15g/m² SaltPossibility of Ice Forecast22.01.2016 18:00


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Sharon Dunbar

Press contact Media and Communications Officer 01343 563046

Peter Jones

Press contact Communications manager Press, public communications, social media, events, FOI, campaigns, crisis comms. 01343 563601