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Dealing with Disasters Conference

Event date 17 September 2015 00:00 – 18 September 2015 00:00

Location The Great Hall

The conference will stimulate debate and innovation in responding to recent demands for advances in the science, representation, practice and policy of health centred disaster risk reduction. Improved health is both a prerequisite and outcome of disaster risk reduction. Whether in relation to individuals, communities, institutions, the state of the nation or ecosystems, our health is the more tangible aspect of what is implied by resilience. With increasing awareness of health as integral to disaster reduction and development we offer this special theme as the 9th Dealing with Disasters Conference, 2015. The event will draw from organisational and individual levels of analysis and engagement. At global level the event answers to a need for learning, research and developments required by this year’s; i) resetting of targets for disaster risk reduction through the Sendai Framework for Action, ii) realigning of sustainable development goals, iii) negotiations on climate change agreements, iv) fluctuating economies and v) societal health risk exposure through demographic change including migration. Health centric approaches are fundamental to caring communities through physical, mental and social wellbeing, to offset impact or propensity of major crises. In brief, improved health and health care services significantly reduce disaster. Whilst the event will be informed by multiple health professions, it is intended to benefit a wide range of experts and those developing their interests in the emergence of a new agenda in disaster risk reduction, including for example in allied fields of environmental science, social science, planning, engineering, anthropology and more. The Conference provides the opportunity to review the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030) and the implications for all sectors, including the focus on public health. Public health officials, such as representatives from Iran, Mexico, Moldova and the United Kingdom (supported by the international community with the World Health Organization, UNAIDS, UNFPA and UNISDR), took active roles in advocating for health in the negotiations of the Sendai Framework. Speakers at the DwD Conference will include reflections on their experience in the negotiations. Outcomes of the DwD Conference, including reports, case studies and suggested next steps for strengthening disaster risk management for health, will be shared with the World Health Organization, Public Health England and other relevant bodies to inform planning for the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. Conference topics particularly encouraged We are keen to receive proposals for papers or sessions relating to the following, though other contributions associated with the conference theme absent from this list will also be considered: Climate change and health Communication and information technologies in health risk reduction Conflict risk and health Disaster and health development policy and practice Ecosystem and human health Effecting change through healthy people and institutions Emergency health and dealing with uncertainty Emergency and disaster risk management Emerging and resurgent health risk and resilience Environmental health for disaster risk reduction Ethics, rights and responsibilities in health centred disaster reduction inlcuding in relation to gender and age Geographies of health, wellbeing and disasters Health and wellbeing perspectives on development and disaster Health in, or through, post disaster reconstruction Health risk amplification Health system and risk governance Health and health systems during conflict Health, poverty and resilience Humanitarianism and health Infectious disease risk management Mobility, displacement, adaptation and health People centred health care Role of public – private partnerships in health and disaster risk reduction Resilience, adaptation and health Self-Health Care for prevention and response Social care and disaster management Social protection and health insurance The role of the military in emergency health prevention and response The youth voice in health centred disaster risk reduction Trauma risk management and mental health Unique case studies and representations that overlap several of the above sub-areas are welcome. Conference Features Includes plenary and parallel sessions with options for posters, panel and doctoral sessions. Several publishers interested in providing outlets for the event. Hosted by Disaster and Development Network (DDN) / Department of Geography, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Northumbria University and partners. Submission of Abstracts and Session Proposals Your abstract for a session, paper, presentation, poster or panel debate at DwD 2015 should be any length between 250 and 500 words. If including references within an abstract please use the author and date system (e.g Smith et al., 1929). Session proposals will need to provide an overview and the abstract for each contributing member of the session, with most of it complete by the submission date. Proposers of accepted sessions are entitled to Chair their session, propose a Chair or can ask the conference organisers to identify a Chair. Sessions will normally be two hours and comprise five contributions with or without full papers. All sessions will allow time for discussion. Panel debates without full papers and with only very brief presentations do not require an abstract for each speaker but need an overall abstract and short paragraph for each panel member indicating broadly what they will bring to the debate. Please include the following information as part of the submission: Abstracts for papers / presentations and posters: Title of paper / presentation / poster Your full name, title and main institutional affiliation Names, titles and main institutional affiliation of any co-authors Email addresses of all authors Session proposals and panel debates: Title of session and overall abstract Names, title and main institutional affiliations of those proposing the session Abstract, name, title and main institutional affiliations for each session paper / presentation* Email address of all authors of session papers / presenters or panel members For the case of panel debates, only one overall abstract and paragraph for each panel member* *DwD (2015) may assist by inserting additional presenters or panel members where necessary. Key Dates 7 July 2015 Abstract and session proposals close. Send to: 15 July 2015 Early registration closes For information about the Disaster Development Network (DDN) please click here. Accommodation To book your accommodation please click here.


Rik Kendall

Rik Kendall

Press contact PR and Media Manager Business and Law / Arts, Design & Social Sciences 07923 382339
Andrea Slowey

Andrea Slowey

Press contact PR and Media Manager Engineering and Environment / Health and Life Sciences 07708 509436
James Fox

James Fox

Press contact Student Communications Manager
Kelly Elliott

Kelly Elliott

Press contact PR and Media Officer
Rachael Barwick

Rachael Barwick

Press contact PR and Media Manager 07377422415
Gemma Brown

Gemma Brown

Press contact PR and Media Officer


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