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Meet the speaker - Dr. Hana Mušinović

Dr. Hana Mušinović, regulatory and scientific officer at NATRUE, is responsible for regulatory and scientific activities and for the update and interpretation of the NATRUE Label Criteria. In this Q&A Hana talks about what visitors can get out of her session at the show and what natural beauty trends to spot.

What will you be covering in your seminar session this year?

Plastics have revolutionised our societies ever since entering our markets. Now they are revolutionising them again, as both legislators and the industry try to search for their more sustainable alternatives. Plastic packaging and micro-plastics use have also raised media-attention and consumer awareness. This talk will provide an overview of plastics used in cosmetic products and packaging focusing on:

Existing global regulation and necessary considerations for safety and sustainability

New EU strategies and legislative proposals, industry initiatives and their impacts on the natural sector

A snapshot at innovative projects and technologies for dealing with plastics as part of the EU circular (bio)economy.

What do these changes mean for natural cosmetics, how are we affected and how can natural cosmetics lead the way for the industry at large?

Why should people attend your session?

The environmental impact of plastics has increasingly been of high concern for both industry and the consumers. This talk will provide industry players with the update on the most recent regulatory and industry interventions. Sustainability considerations are becoming ever more important to consumers as well. We are witnessing the rise of conscious consumerism where consumers demand to know more not only about ingredients and efficacy of the products they use but more and more about their environmental impact. This talk will try to give answers to one of the major concerns of every conscious consumer, plastics usage and its control for both inside and outside our everyday products.

Can you highlight a few natural beauty trends that visitors should make sure to source out at the show?

To complete their understanding and awareness of the current innovations regarding packaging of the beauty products I would encourage visitors to pass by a sustainable packaging zone. I think that can be the best possible introduction or continuation after the talk. I am personally very much interested to see what are the current trends that help make environmental impact of the products we use as little as possible.

What are you looking forward to most about speaking/attending the show?

This show is a great occasion to bring together different natural products suppliers and consumers as well as industry experts who are all passionate about making our society more sustainable. I am interested to have a look at the latest developments supporting that change and I am happy to be part of such initiatives. I am looking forward to sharing ideas, learning from the others and get inspired.

Dr. Hana Mušinović will be speaking in the Natural Beauty Theatre at 12.15pm - 1pm on Thursday 15 November. To apply for a free trade ticket, please visit


  • Alternative medicine


Sharna Waid

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