Press release -

"Now is the time for action!" appeals Elder Care Ambassador Amanda Waring

Elder Care Ambassador and Dignity Champion Amanda Waring stated after reading todays BBC news article about how "The right hand really needs to know what the left hand is doing when it comes to health and social care."

The article, outlining how the Commons health select committee wants local areas in England to deliver "joined-up" care, health and housing but continues to stir concern amongst many, especially with the development of the Governments Health and Social Care bill.

Amanda feels that combining improved approaches with both health and social care will only help to benefit our elders.  She endoresed the comments made by MP Paul Burstow, about how "Integrated care should be the norm." And that there is "no single silver bullet when it comes to integration." 

Amanda, elder care campaigner and award winning filmmaker  feels that the article highlights just how now is the time where action is needed.  "I truly feel that the steps are obvious, we need to make sure that vulnerable people within our care have a voice.  Lets encourage personalisation of intergrated care and ask those within our responsibility what it is that they need and take those all important steps to provide it."

Amanda has recently confirmed her attendance as closing keynote speaker at the Action on Elder Abuse   National Adult Safeguarding Conference on the 30th of March.  She will join other key figures, including MP Paul Burstow to further highlight the importance of these issues.  Amanda is often asked to be a speaker at Health and Social care events and looks forward to talking with Mr Burstow at the March event.  She commented how she felt that certain health issues are resulted from lacking social care as reported within the BBC news article and feels that issues society are beginning to expose "have been a long time coming."

Amanda's award winning film 'What Do You See' starring Virginia McKenna, continues to be used as a key tool in dignity trainings around the world and her new book 'The Heart of Care' due for publication in May, is already being celebrated as the guide for improving current methods and application regarding person-centred compassionate elder care.

Further information about Amanda's work and details on how to purchase her training materials can be seen through visiting her website and contact through Kylee Charles can arrange further interview, comment or materials.


  • Health Care, Health Service


  • amanda waring
  • campaign
  • care homes
  • compassion
  • dignity
  • elderly care
  • hospitals and health systems
  • social care system
  • jane dreaper
  • paul burstow
  • action on elder abuse
  • bbc health

Amanda Waring is an actress, speaker, writer and director and has been a passionate campaigner for older people's rights for the past five years.  She was an initiator of the Governments Dignity Board and has produced Award Winning training films and materials that highlight methods and thinking to be applied when caring for the vulnerable.


Kylee Charles

Press contact PR Contact Managing relations with press and media on behalf of Amanda Waring 07816 946633

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Witnessing the poor treatment her mother received whilst dying from Leukaemia in hospital encouraged the actress Amanda Waring her to invest her talents into creating films and training tools that have subsequently gone on to win awards for the powerful message and training techniques they have provided to many of the nations care staff.