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RLBUHT - Going Paperless: The Journey so far

The 18th July will see Unity go live at Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen University Hospital NHS Trust. Unity will be used to view all patient case notes in the Trust's new Paper Free environment.

Unity will enable the paper free health record (PFHR) to be rolled out throughout the Trust. Giving clinicians access to digital medical records that consist of structured and unstructured data. The scope of this project will enable the Trust to transition from paper-based working methods to digital ways of working.

Unity will not only improve the user’s access to information, it will also improve their ability to record information about a patient.

The PFHR is not only a software application; it is also a multitude of technologies and services brought together by Fortrus to deliver an outcome.

For Further information please contact:

Leigh Baillie

Chief Marketing Officer

Fortrus Ltd

+44 7894 517828

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  • Computers, computer technology, software


  • nhs trusts
  • healthcare
  • efficiency

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Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen University Hospital NHS Trust prepare for Paper Free Health Records

Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen University Hospital NHS Trust are preparing for Paper Free Health Records by raising awareness of the project throughout the trust as part of an ongoing internal communications programme, in advance of project go live in the coming months.
For further information regarding the Paper Free Health Records project at the trust please contact:
Leigh Baillie