Press release -

​Fortrus Ltd announce Partnership with RLBUHT to provide a Paper Free Health Record (PFHR) solution.

Fortrus Ltd are delighted to announce that we will be working in Partnership with Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospital NHS Trust, to provide the Trust and its patients with a Paper Free Health Record (PFHR) solution.

Fortrus will be developing a bespoke software application specifically for the Trust - the RLBUHT Paper Free Health Record (PFHR). The PFHR will enable clinicians to access digital medical records that consist of structured and unstructured data. The Trust currently hold hundreds of thousands of paper medical records and many thousands of paper forms. The scope of this project will enable the Trust to transition from paper-based working methods to digital ways of working.

Fortrus are the leading provider to the NHS of ‘User Experience' software design and development. Pioneers of ‘Genius Design’, Fortrus will engage with Clinicians, non-clinical users, and external organisations who require access to the PFHR.

Key to the success of this bespoke software development programme is the resultant User Experience, put simply; the user’s experience must be intuitive, performant and easy to understand. Fortrus will engage users through a Research and Development approach whereby user research is conducted at the point of care. Inefficient processes will be identified and innovation will be used to design the software in such a way as to improve the user’s access to information as well as their ability to record information about a patient.

This Research and Development approach does not terminate once the PFHR system has been implemented and live, it is a continual process that enables the PFHR to evolve over time and constantly meet the needs of future changes, whether that be NHS compliance regulation changes, or meeting the needs of the business drivers for RLBUHT and its clinicians.

The PFHR is not only a software application; it is also a multitude of technologies and services brought together by Fortrus to deliver an outcome.

For Further information please contact:

Leigh Baillie

Chief Marketing Officer

Fortrus Ltd

+44 7894 517828

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  • Health, Health Care, Pharmaceuticals


  • efficiency
  • healthcare
  • nhs trusts
  • user experience

Unity emerged from research conducted with over 800 senior clinicians across multiple organisations. The findings of this research identified three key challenges when working in an data-intensive environment.

  1. 1) Fragmented computer systems and databases
  2. 2) Delays in gaining access to critical information.
  3. 3) Increasing pressures to find efficiencies.

Unity solves these problems by acting as a control layer, that whilst able to draw from multiple complex databases, means that we can develop flexible and bespoke user interfaces for minimal cost. The result is a software solution that suites the specific data-intensive needs of your organisation.

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For further information regarding the Paper Free Health Records project at the trust please contact:
Leigh Baillie

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