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HMRC’s Executive Chair to step down

Press release -

HMRC’s Executive Chair to step down

HMRC’s Executive Chair and First Permanent Secretary, Edward Troup, has announced his plan to retire.

Edward joined HMRC in 2012 after several years in HM Treasury, and is the department’s most senior tax professional. During his time at the department, Edward has fulfilled the roles of Tax Assurance Commissioner as well as leading the former business group Central Tax and Strategy. As the former Head of Profession, Edward has also been responsible for overall policy partnership with HM Treasury. Since April 2016, Edward has chaired HMRC’s Board.

Speaking of his retirement, Edward said: “After nearly 40 years in the world of tax, and the last 13 working in HM Treasury and HMRC, I have decided to retire from my role as Chair of HMRC. We have just delivered our best ever annual performance and I am immensely proud to end my professional career in tax in the department which is at the heart of the UK’s tax system. My colleagues across HMRC continue to deliver the vital work we do with huge talent and professionalism and the department is well on track to fulfil the vision of becoming a world class organisation.”

Chief Executive, Jon Thompson, said: “Edward has given his all to this department during his time here, and as our most senior tax professional, we will miss greatly Edward’s expertise and leadership. HMRC is without a doubt a better organisation thanks to Edward’s contribution, and we will certainly build on his achievements here - I wish him all the best for whatever he does next.”

Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, said: “My colleagues and I are very grateful to Edward for his service to HMRC and HM Treasury – his deep expertise and experience has rightly gained him the respect of the tax world and he retires with our very best wishes.”

Edward will leave the department on 31 December, 2017.

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