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Behind the scenes of Give a Beep film shoot

Give a Beep is now up and running (or cycling, rather!) and has received great feedback so far. A couple of weeks back, PR agency Edelman Deportivo visited London to get footage for the campaign film. Check out some images from behind the scenes.

The campaign aims to raise awareness about the problems and dangers of cycling on London’s roads and highlight the issues to the capital city’s leaders. 500 Flic buttons have been distributed to members and supporters of the London Cycling Campaign. The cyclists will alert London's new mayor, Sadiq Khan, when they experience a traffic hazard.

But there is a lot of hard work and preparations before a campaign is launched. Two weeks ago, PR agency Edelman Deportivo visited from Sweden, James Bull and Kate Parker of Mynewsdesk UK went down to meet the crew in Shoreditch and caught a glimpse of the creative work!

Following and speaking to cyclists on their potentially hazardous journeys through a web of one-way systems, tricky T-junctions and busy roads, the Give a Beep campaign will gain insight into and give a platform to the thoughts and fears of London’s cyclists.

Strolling around Shoreditch.

One of the faces of the campaign, James Bull poses with his Hövding.

Interview with a London cyclist

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The final result of the campaign film can be found here. Join the conversation and #giveabeep!


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