Press release -

Faces. A spiritual painting representing position, self reflection and direction in life.

The more you are towards the light the more colourful and brighter life becomes. The further away the darker and more monotone. 

You can be in darkness and look towards the Light (hope) and you can be close to The light and have your face turned away (per example man of good will or man absorbed by the world). 

It is a good way to look to the picture and at oneself and say... 

Where do I stand? 

Even more importantly...which way do I want to go?

For more of my works and 


  • Education


  • Mas.s
  • spiritual direction
  • life choices
  • selfreflection

Mas.S is my artist name. Throughout a full life mixed with physical, emotional and mental suffering I have always experienced the presence of Jesus. After 25 years I have now found the Creativity to express myself through the following paintings. I have painted some of the elementary topics in the Gospel in a new, fresh and colourful way. I hope you like it and be blessed through them. Love and Prayers. Mas.s


Marcel Schreur

Press contact Visual Artist 0777 232 1772

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