Press release -

Customer growth in TDC

TDC confirms its guidance for 2012 with its first Interim Financial Statements of the year. Revenue totalled DKK 6.6bn, up 0.5%. Adjusted for a positive one-off special item in Q1 2011, income before depreciation, amortisation and special items (EBITDA) was level with Q1 2011.

"In Q1 2012, we achieved solid growth, especially in our customer bases. In TV alone, for instance, we saw the highest intake ever, with 37,000 new TV customers across the Group in Q1 2012," says Henrik Poulsen, TDC’s President and CEO.

"Our Nordic activities also delivered strong results. I would like to highlight TDC Sweden and TDC Hosting, which achieved EBITDA growth of 53% and 24%, respectively," continues Henrik Poulsen.

In the same period, TDC's retail broadband business experienced the highest growth in four years, and the churn from landline telephony continued to fall. All in all, TDC now has 9.6m customer relationships – the highest level ever.

"With these positive trends, we have successfully balanced the effect of the significant price pressure on our mobile operations," says Henrik Poulsen.

In 2012, TDC expects revenue of DKK 26.0-26.5bn, EBITDA bpi of DKK 10.3-10,5bn, and to generate cash flows supporting a targeted dividend per share of DKK 4.60.

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  • earnings release