Press release -

TDC solves your IT issues ‘in the cloud’

Many companies increasingly choose to place their IT solutions in the cloud, i.e. letting others handle the IT tasks that previously strained the resources of their own IT departments.

Now, TDC brings the cloud even closer to companies by launching a range of cloud services that facilitate companies’ IT task management.  TDC Business and TDC Hosting are dedicating special efforts to offering a number of cloud solutions that previously were not available. TDC Hosting offers a wide selection of cloud solutions and TDC Business offers selected solutions which ensure companies the most benefits when combined with telecom services.

Cloud Rack is one of the new solutions from TDC Hosting that enables companies – with just a few clicks – to up or downscale the number of servers handling and storing their data, and their performance. The server rack thus floats into the cloud and is no longer located physically at the companies.

- Cloud hosting makes it easier and cheaper for a company to have an IT solution customised to its exact and ever-changing needs. This can be done from hour to hour and the companies will have complete control of the process, says Ole Widahl, Director of Products & Solutions at TDC Hosting.

The TDC Hosting solution is located in Denmark, which means that users can safely move their company data into the cloud.

Office moving into the cloud
However, servers are not the only things moving into the cloud. In recent years, TDC Business has experienced a great demand for the TDC Scale product, which offers companies cloud switchboards. One reason for the demand is that a company can easily add or remove users, as required.

The same principle applies to a new TDC Business product, TDC Cloud Office, which lifts office applications into the cloud, enabling employees to access both programs and documents from the field and at home from different workstations. In addition to the obvious benefits of having a cloud solution, customers become more efficient by integrating the solution with other TDC services:

- We are now able to offer a coherent solution which gathers voice, Internet, switchboard and office applications, charging one fixed price per user.  Everything is extremely easy to use via apps, which ensures that the entire company benefits from all the new possibilities, says Thomas Arne Hansen, Market Director at TDC Business.

This week, TDC will be launching the big ‘Into the cloud with TDC’ (Med TDC i Skyen) campaign to help companies understand the principles behind cloud services as well as the specific cloud products.

The term ‘cloud’ covers services that can be accessed on the Internet from your computer – no matter where you are. One example is a mail account which the user accesses via an Internet browser instead of an application installed on the computer. Cloud solutions are also referred to as cloud services.

TDC Cloud Office includes a TDC Office Server, Microsoft Office 365 as well as full TDC support in Danish. With TDC Office Server, the user will have the server capacity to gather all main applications in the cloud and be able to access them and related documents from anywhere. The suite includes video conferences, document sharing with colleagues and automatic Office suite updating.

Cloud Rack is a virtual server rack to which users can add servers without having to invest in – and wait for – expensive hardware. It only takes a few minutes to build and configure a new server. With a free app for iPhone and iPad, controlling your IT infrastructure becomes very easy.

For more information, please contact:
TDC Press, tel. +45 70 20 35 10


  • Business enterprise