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Crawford House Assistant Manager – Linsey Brough Q&A

Linsey Brough is Assistant House Manager at Crawford House and has been working with us for just over 18 months.

What’s an interesting fact about yourself?

I’m a qualified florist and worked in a large garden centre before joining The Sick Children’s Trust.

What do you most like doing when you’re not at work?

I enjoy walking with my daughters Isobel and Olivia, my husband Robert and our lurcher, Dash. However, we don’t always get very far because he is the laziest dog in the world!

What do you enjoy most about working as an Assistant House Manager at Crawford House?

I love the variety in my job. Every day is different and there is always something going on. Whether it’s families coming and going all day, or estates personnel visiting, or former house users popping in for a coffee and a chat to update us on how they’re getting on. You can never tell what the day will bring but I love every minute of it.


  • Children, Child care


  • crawford house


Amy Melody

Press contact PR Officer 020 7011 9366

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