Press release -

Youth Snacking Habits 2013

Always out and about, commuting to and from Uni or work; meeting up with friends or on their way to a social event, today’s youth is a busy generation and busy lives call for quick refuelling and pick-me-ups.

The snacking industry is huge, and looking at the shelves next to the check out in any supermarket or CTN tells a lot about the things we buy to stay energised whilst on the go.

In Tpoll’s 2013 Youth Eating Habits study, we spoke with more than 200 Generation Y’s about their snacking habits, and how there is a big difference in which snacks they consume when they are at home compared to on-the-go.

At home, snacks are usually quite substantial, healthy and include foods such as pasta, noodles, fruit, nuts and yoghurt. All of which can be messy and not very practical to bring along when going out. In comparison to this, on the go snacks are smaller, often individually wrapped and thus, easy to handle during a commute.

One issue that arises with snacks is the lack of inexpensive healthy options.  Generation Y will consume large amounts of crisps, chocolate, biscuits, packed sandwiches etc. together with lots of juices and energy drinks.

It is not because they refuse healthy snacks; it is simply just easier to get hold of junk and sugary foods whilst on the go. Healthy snacking options are generally either expensive or not marketed in an appealing way.

To find out more about Tpoll’s 2013 Youth Eating Habits report please contact Nana Nielsen on 0203176 0719 or email


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