Press release -

British Broadcaster measuring buzz using Twingly, Nielsen and Yahoo

Twingly will together with Yahoo and Nielsen provide BBC with data for a prototype of their new service, Shownar that was launched today at

Shownar monitors activity around BBC programmes on the web, and works out which are gaining the most attention. It highlights those gems in the schedules that others have not only watched, but are talking about, and then points you in the direction of those discussions on the web.

Twingly provides datafrom Twitter-like services to help monitor these discussions.

"It's great to be a part of BBC progressive online strategy launching new services," says Martin Källström, CEO of Twingly. "Working with them is a great compliment to the other media sites around Europe that we already assist in getting them more involved in social media. We are excited to see if Shownar can lead the way in taking the pulse on real time discussions about TV-programmes."

Twingly is the only search engine in the world that is aggregating posts and links from Twitter and many Twitter-like services and making these available for use in a streamlined fashion. Shownar is one example of what can be done with the result.

For more information, please contact:
Martin Källström, CEO Twingly
+46 73 362 86 54,

More info about Shownar.

About Twingly
Twingly is an IT-company based in Linköping, Sweden. The company was founded in 2006 and is developing the leading European Blog Search Engine Throughout Europe Twingly provides over 80 leading sites with its blog service Twingly Blogstream. Among those are leading newspapers and e-commerce sites like i.e. Svenska Dagbladet, Dagens Nyheter and Lindex in Sweden , Politiken in Denmark, Verdens Gang in Norway, Público in Portugal, De Telegraaf in The Netherlands, La Vanguardia in Spain and Focus in Germany. For more information go to or follow the Twingly Blog.


  • Web media


  • new customer
  • bbc
  • shownar
  • uk
  • twingly


Peter Bláha

Press contact CEO +46733 70 77 73