Press release -

Sorry Mum.......

To all the mothers out there if you have daughters you are the lucky ones, as it seems they are more likely to spend the special day with the mums (a third of daughters voted yes). Only a quarter of sons admit to the same. So it looks like there are going to be some unhappy mums around the country on March 14th!

By region the top five going cities with the most respondents saying they will be going home this year are: 
 Chester (50%)
 Stoke (50%)
 Wolverhampton (43%)
 Lancaster (40%)
 Northampton (40%)
And the cities making up the bottom half of the table, with the most respondents unable to make it home this mothers day are:
 Stafford (75%)
 Southampton (71%)
 Leeds (71%)
 Coventry (70%)
 Sheffield (67%)

Women in fact seem to make more journeys home generally, in fact 43% admit to making more than 15 journeys per year with men making between one and three trips back to their family each year. Virgin Trains the leading West Coast rail provider who commissioned the research has also revealed that men seemed to need a reason to go home, be it a birthday, Christmas or mothers or fathers day whereas women are happy just to pop home for no particular reason. 

Whether needing to get their washing done or just wanting some home cooking 16-24 year olds are some of the most likely to go home, albeit under the alias of going home for mothers/fathers day! The age range up (25-34) need no occasion and just wanted to see the folks, you’d hope by this age it won’t be because of their washing! 

Says Jim Rowe, Senior Communication’s manager at Virgin Trains: “As a parent myself I appreciate when the children come home, and am pleased to see that a third of people will be making the effort this year. There is still time for this figure to rise, with frequent journey times and advance ticket rates available allowing people to travel across the country with ease.” 

– ENDS – 

For more information please contact Sophie Lennon or Hannah Baker at The SPA Way on 020 7403 6900 or email 

Notes to Editors

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Virgin Trains is the brand name of Virgin Rail Group. We have operated the West Coast passenger train franchise since 1997; the current franchise runs to March 2012.

Virgin Rail Group is owned 51 percent by Virgin Group and 49 percent by Stagecoach.

Virgin Trains has been recognised in numerous industry awards. On 19 January 2010 the company was named Best Rail Operator of the Year at the Travel Globe Awards, voted for by readers of the Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday and Evening Standard. In 2009 Virgin Trains was voted Best UK Domestic Train Service by Business Traveller magazine for the second year running; and named Best Rail Operator in the 2009 Group Leisure Awards, run by Group Leisure, the magazine for group travel organisers.


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