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Top 5 Tips for a Good Web Design on Education

Being a tutor you can create a webpage dedicated to tips and pieces of advice on a certain subject, or you may publish your scientific articles there. Your website may provide the latest education news and innovations, useful information sources or serve as a storage for the home assignments… everything that you consider to be educational.

Sounds exciting! How to bring these ideas to life? How to arrange information to attract visitors and promote your project? Below there are top 10 guidelines for an effective website design on education.

Do not violate web design conventional rules

Usually, people do not like changes because unforeknowable future scares them. Therefore, website design is not a place for experiments either. In terms of information arrangement, visitors look for reliability. Once you have broken these rules, your website is likely to be less visited.

The ingenious is always simple

Stick to simple navigation without any cracks, like ad bots, annoying sounds or excessive animation. In color scheme give your preference to blue, white or other non-aggressive colors. Come into your visitor’s world. How long would you stand reading information in a gaudy layout?

Make the content comprehensible

Fine dress helps to impress…but a good mind helps to make this impression a long-lasting one. To make your content memorable and really eye-catching, remember the following rules:

  • Include information which corresponds to the website subject matter. Any inconsistencies give the impression that you pall around with non-professional. Thus, if your website is about higher education make information consistent to this topic
  • Write laconic language and short paragraphs. If on entering your website people see straight text, guess what they are likely to do?... Right you are! They are going to leave it
  • Make subheadings. Very often people are bored reading texts on the website from the very beginning till the end. As a matter of fact, they do not do it at all. So to save your visitors’ time, make meaningful subheadings
  • Any kind of enumeration enframe in the bullet lists. In such a way, information is conceived better

Appropriate files for reading online

If you plan a website which will contain educational information available for online reading, like academic paper samples, essays or home assignments, take care of appropriate files for their reading. If your first thought is PDF – put it off. As a rule, people do not like using PDF files online since they are difficult to navigate.

It is another pair of shoes when the website contains bulky documents meant for printing. In this case PDF will be very much to the point.

Choose a winning domain

In usual life judging from address one may conclude whether it is an uptown or a poky hole for a place. In the World Wide Web there are also prestigious domains. For educational sites, such web address ends in .edu. Though this domain is used for noncommercial sites, it considered to be reliable and upscale. The more articles regarding educational subject you may also find at

So, if you are aimed at creating an educational website, do not hesitate. With these tips you have all aces in the hole.  

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  • Teaching, Learning


  • web design
  • education