Press release -

Stockholm sees over one million guest nights during April

Once again, the international guest night statistics for Stockholm increases. During the month of April, over 1 million overnight stays in tourist accommodations were recorded. This time it’s visitors from outside of Europe who account for the largest increase; 25% compared to the same period the previous year.

The statistics for overall guest night show that the numbers grew by 16% compared to April of last year. Internal travel in Sweden accounted for an increase of 19%, which can be explained in part by the number of major concerts taking place in April, such as Mariah Carey (Stockholm Globe Arena), the Dixie Chicks (Hovet), Adele (Tele2 Arena). In April, The Nordic Gardens - Scandinavia’s leading garden show, was held at the Stockholm International Fairs and Congress Centre. Plus Stockholm hosted the Women’s Health Half Marathon.

“We work with the Stockholm brand from long-term perspective, so that it stands out internationally,” comments Karin Wanngård, (S), Mayor of Stockholm. “Therefore, it is extremely gratifying to see the great results we have been seeing, it shows that Stockholm's attractiveness is increasing."

The largest markets in April were the United States, England, Germany, Norway, and Finland.

Read more in this report: click here.

For further information, contact:

Karin Wanngård: contact via Tomas Gustavsson, Press Officer, tele. +46-76-1229199

Sabina von Greyerz, PR-chef Stockholm Visitors Board, tele. +46 (0) 8 50828069


  • Tourism


  • bed nights
  • statistics
  • guest nights
  • stockholm
  • tourism

Stockholm Business Region, with its subsidiaries Invest Stockholm and Visit Stockholm,  is the official investment and tourism promotion agency for the Stockholm region.  Stockholm is one of Europe’s most dynamic sustainable regions. Stockholm Business Region is fully owned by the City of Stockholm. Our common brand is Stockholm – The Capital of Scandinavia.