Press release -

Zaluvida presents climate-friendly beef at Germany-wide food truck tour

From October 7 to 20, Zaluvida’s burger food truck stops at eleven German cities to introduce climate-smart cows

Rolle, Switzerland | 05 October 2017

Zaluvida, the Swiss-led Life-Science Group, is on a Germany-wide food truck tour this October. In no less than eleven cities, visitors will have the exclusive possibility to taste free, gourmet-burgers from climate friendly beef. The truck stops at public sites - but also on company grounds and fairs.

The Mootral burgers are freshly cooked by the popular TV chefs Dirk Müller and Heiko Schulz (“Die Kochpiraten”). Additionally, the celebrity chefs Cornelia Poletto and Sybille Schönberger will join the tour in Hamburg and Frankfurt.

The beef for the burgers is sourced from cows, fed with Mootral before the tour. Mootral is a natural feed supplement, consisting of garlic powder and citrus extracts which can reduce the methane emissions by at least 30 percent.

Zaluvida’s Group CEO Christoph Staeuble explained: “On a global scale, livestock accounts for 15 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, consumers want and need meat and milk products. Cows are therefore a crucial factor in our environmental ecosystem and the economy, since they transform biomass, such as grass, into essential nutrients for a growing population. With Mootral we offer a solution which has an immediate, positive effect on the climate and the cow’s health. Throughout the tour, we want to make climate friendly meat tangible and offer visitors the possibility to experience and taste the ‘organic of tomorrow’.”

To meet the set CO2-mitigation goals of the Paris Agreement, a rapid reduction of respective emissions is necessary. Mootral therefore presents an immediate solution for limiting GHG in the atmosphere. Integrating Mootral enables to neutralize the CO2 produced by all German cars. The food truck tour has a total length of 2,400 km and can be compensated by solely three cows.

Zaluvida is glad to invite everyone to a free gourmet-burger, who wants to eat meet with a good conscience.

Foodtruck Stopps:

Nuremberg (7-8 October)

Wolfsburg (9 October)

Hamburg (10 – 11 October)

Edewecht (12 October)

Düsseldorf (13 October)

Dortmund (14 October)

Frankfurt (15 – 16 October)

Cologne (17 October)

Munich (18 October)

Stuttgart (20 October)

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  • english press releases
  • mootral

About Mootral

Mootral is a Zaluvida Technology. By applying unique bioactive compounds in animal feed, Mootral reduces greenhouse gas emissions by the agricultural sector and enables increased revenues from climate friendly meat and dairy products. It is Zaluvida’s mission to ensure a better value of animal products through Mootral. With slightly higher prices for climate-friendly meat and dairy, consumers can help farmers to reduce the environmental impact in a sustainable way.

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